Saturday, January 10, 2009

What are The Symptoms Of Depression?

Let there be no doubt that depression is a serious mental illness that requires months and sometimes years of treatment on the path to a cure.  Each year, millions of people come to the realization that they suffer from depression.  To make things worse it is estimated that only a third of those who suffer the disease will ever seek treatment.  Many Americans don't want to be considered crazy, so because depression is considered a mental affliction they avoid diagnosis.  They would rather deal with the problem on their own than risk being stereotyped should they seek assistance.  Depression doesn't just stop, and it's a lot more common than people think. 

What are the causes for depression?  There are many factors to consider, so the answer isn't simple.  The list is quite long. Here are a few of the parts of depression.  Many medical professionals believe that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.  But what causes the imbalance?  Generally the causes are internal – biological issues, genetic disposition, mental problems – but there are external causes as well.  Doctors sometimes don't find the root cause, which is true for many patients.  Depression often follows diagnosis of other medical conditions, particularly those that result in imminent death or are chronic.

Another cause of depression can be the emotional pain felt after losing a loved one.  In many cases the loss can be very traumatic. Depression often follows sexual or physical abuse, or emotional attacks.  In addition, many cases of depression are given birth by substance abuse, rather it be drugs or alcohol.  Even a perfectly healthy person, when exposed to the right combination of events and issues, can become afflicted with chronic depression.  Depression is often passed along in the DNA. A strong correlation between family history of depression and current depression has been found .  Oddly, many drugs including those that regulate depression or anxiety can cause depression.  It has been clinically proven that some high blood pressure medication can cause depression. 

One of the major causes of depression is stress.  In our lives many events and elements can cause stress.  Even positive events such as a marriage, a new baby or winning an award can cause stress.  People tend to stress when they face the unknown, like a new job or new financial obligations.  When friends or loved ones come into conflict with an individual – a co-worker or loved one – the result is stress.  Some people have a low threshold for stress.  They're affected by events and activities that to others seem to not be stressful.  Doctors first look for cause when seeking a treatment for depression.  Seek medical help if you or a loved one suffer from depression.

Cure Chronic Depression

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stop anxiety attacks: stop anxiety attacks

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